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"Years may wrinkle the skin, but to lose purpose wrinkles the soul."

Cliff Tadema, President & Founder

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Join our Certified Chaplains Training course to become a part of the solution today. Our trademarked course equips you with the essential tools you need to truly make a difference in people's lives.


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  • ElderCare Tech Team
    Thank you for considering joining the ElderCare Tech Team! The ability to use existing technology to better communicate a message has never been more important. The tech team will: (1.) brainstorm methods to use various online platforms and concepts. They will focus on brand consistency through multiple approaches. (2.) be engaged in implementation. The tech team will use video, website, social media, and other resources to communicate the vision of ECM. If you are interested in serving God by being part of this team, or if you would like more information, please fill out the form below. We will be in touch with you soon. Blessings, Cliff Tadema
  • ElderCare Sponsors
    Thank you for considering becoming an ElderCare Sponsor. ECM Sponsors can sponsor events or people such as the following: Senior Sundays: This is a church-based event where the seniors in a congregation are honored and may participate. In some ways like a “youth Sunday,” but unique to honoring seniors for their past participation, for their current roles and for what they have yet to contribute. ElderCare Ministries (ECM) will provide the package of artwork, announcements, suggestions, sermons etc. to make this event successful. This event can also be followed up by a workshop specifically designed to help seniors find their new purpose in life. ECM will put on the workshop with ECM leaders or can train someone from the Church to facilitate the workshop. Bucket Wishes: Bucket Wishes exists to facilitate the wishes of the elderly who would otherwise not be able to experience them. Individuals are selected based on need, requests and funds available. If you’re aware of a particular individual you feel warrants this gift and would like to underwrite it, you can address it with ECM. ECM will facilitate the request if it meets the guidelines and is both feasible and appropriate for the organization. CCC Candidates: There is a cost associated with becoming a CCC (Certified Care Chaplain™). ECM is committed to keeping the cost as low as possible. Even so, some potential chaplains will need a scholarship to make it possible to take the course. ECM will make that possible when funding is available. Sponsors can request that their funds be used for this purpose or they can underwrite a particular individual to become a CCC. If you are interested in serving God by being part of this team or would like more information about it, please fill out the form below. We will be in touch with you. Blessings, Cliff Tadema
  • ElderCare Communications Team
    Thank you for considering joining the ElderCare Communications Team! Communication team members are ambassadors for ECM and are always looking for ways to communicate the message of treating our elderly with dignity, respect and purpose. They help with: Events: Arranging events such as seminars, speeches and sermons about Seniors Finding Their Purpose, Avoiding Scams, Reasons For Living and Senior Sundays. Communication Team members may also help with fundraising and awareness events for ECM and/or the communities affiliated with ECM through their Certified Care ChaplainsTM. Newsletters: Write articles (content will be provided). The Communication team may gather ECM newsworthy items and personal stories to share. They will inform ECM supporters of life change through the ministry. Their communication will give others vision and inspiration for the work of ECM. If you are interested in serving God by being part of this team or would like more information about it, please fill out the form below. We will be in touch with you. Blessings, Cliff Tadema
  • ElderCare Prayer Team
    Thank you for considering joining the ElderCare Prayer Team. At ElderCare Ministries we believe this team is critically important. The people who engage with this team must understand what it means to put on the armor of God and how to petition Him for His leading, mercy, blessing, discernment and understanding. God’s Word continually reminds us that the battle belongs to God and that it is a spiritual battle not a physical one. If you have a relationship with Jesus Christ, love to pray and will commit to pray specifically for ElderCare Ministries, we would love to have you join our prayer team. The prayer team will receive specific emails that will keep you up to date on prayer requests and the answers God gives us. Occasionally we may pray together on zoom or in person. Often, we will email or text requests we would appreciate you praying for. The requests will vary from personal, on behalf of the CCC’s and leadership, to specific circumstances facing the organization to asking for God’s insight on how to move forward in serving our elders with dignity, respect and purpose. If you are interested in serving God by being part of this team or would like more information about it, please fill out the form below. We will be in touch with you. Blessings, Cliff Tadema

Questions about Elder Care Ministries?

We align Certified Care Chaplains with senior living communities

to help develop the community and equip residents to live with purpose and support for each other. 


C/O InFocus Ministries

1500 E. College Way #556

MV 98273



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