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At ElderCare Ministries (ECM) we see the blatant discrimination on many of our elders’ faces. We recognize the unintended consequences of the way our elderly have been cared for in recent generations.  Many of them feel that they are of no benefit to our society, if they’re not currently providing economic value. Nothing could be further from the truth. God wants us to revere Him by the way we respect our elderly.

Many of our elderly feel lost, abandoned, and without purpose. ECM wants to change the status quo and with your help and God’s blessing, we can do it! The solution is to educate the public and activate those with the insight to recognize the need. You probably know someone currently impacted by this. A little help from a lot of people goes far to turn the tide and bring the respect, dignity, and purpose we want our elderly to experience.


To identify, train and equip Certified Care Chaplains who develop relationships with elderly people, offering them respect, dignity and a personal purpose for living.


To change the perception of aging by educating the public, lobbying the lawmakers and offering respect, dignity and purpose for the elderly.


Community, Authenticity, 

Respect, Empowerment (C.A.R.E.)


Cliff was born in Lupwe, Nigeria, the son of missionary parents. The first 20 years of his working life were spent in business, primarily the financial sector. He was a Certified Financial Planner, Investment Advisor and licensed in insurance, real estate and securities. As an entrepreneur he started multiple companies. 


In 1983 Cliff became the pastor for Christ The King Community Church in Anacortes, WA. He subsequently pastored churches of over 1000 people.  For 10 years he acted as the National Director of Pastors for The CTK Network, an evangelical non-denominational network of churches. In that role he trained pastors and ministry leaders.


The impetus for ElderCare Ministries came from Cliff’s wife Caryn. She has worked with the elderly since 1984 and has dedicated herself to promoting respect, dignity and purpose for them. Caryn has a degree in Gerontology, (the study of aging), is a Certified Aging in Place Specialist and a Certified Senior Advisor.


Caryn has partnered with hospital discharge planners, adult family homes, skilled nursing facilities, assisted care and independent living communities to help people make the transition from living independently to living with assistance. She teaches seminars for the elderly on downsizing, avoiding scams and understanding care options available to seniors.


Caryn’s passion and prayer led Cliff to form ElderCare Ministries. He and The ECM faculty train Certified Care Chaplain™ that honor the elderly by helping them find value and discover a purpose for living.


Cliff is the author of The Prayer Adventure, a prayer devotional journal.



Questions about Elder Care Ministries?

We align Certified Care Chaplains with senior living communities

to help develop the community and equip residents to live with purpose and support for each other. 


C/O InFocus Ministries

1500 E. College Way #556

MV 98273



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